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This is game is pure chewing satistfaction! Spent enough on the original in the arcade as kid! Thanks for the nostalgia!

So glad! I've probably spent more hours inspecting details of the original arcade than actual programming time. I've discovered tiny details I've never noticed in decades even small quirks and imperfections like: if you watch a gameplay video in slow-mo (or frame by frame) you'll notice the sprite animation of barrels rolls in the wrong direction in the original 😯

(1 edit)

P.S: The letters font are epileptic.

Due to Pico-8 limitations the game uses 60fps flicker for a variety of effects (eg. semi-trasparency, font antialias, colour blending to have colours like cyan/teal not in pico8 palette), but in the web version the browser and/or busy pc could skip several frames making it noticeable/annoying. 

In that case you can turn the flicker OFF in the menu pressing Enter (you'll immediately see the blending effects disappear -the ladders will turn blue-, crispy font etc..).

Thanks for playing! 

Ah ok, I just forgot. Thanks.

Great part from the music & SFX sounds very faithful from the original Donkey Kong arcade.